With our existing author alerts feature, users are able to enter an email address and choose to be notified when one or more of the following occurs:
If the email address used to create your MyHein account and the address used to sign up for author alerts match, all of the alerts will appear in a new Author Alerts tab, organized by author. Alerts that have been signed up for previously under that email address will also appear.
For example, after signing up for alerts on Bonnie Shucha’s profile (shown above), they appear right in the MyHein profile created with a matching email address.
This allows users to see a comprehensive listing of their author alerts and adjust those alerts at any time, all in one place. Simply check the desired boxes under an author, and click the “Update Alerts” button.
Note: Authors with a MyHein account will see their own Author Profile Page within the Author Alerts tab by default.
Each month, when new metrics or articles become available, users will receive an email alert based on their selections Here is an example email: