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MyHein is a free personal research tool that enables anyone with HeinOnline access to bookmark documents, save search queries, and more.

All About the Author Portal

Editing an Enhanced Author Profile Page via MyHein

Authors who have enhanced their author profile page to include their email addresses have the ability to edit their own author profile information through MyHein. To access this feature, authors must be signed in to their MyHein account created under the same email address. Users may access the edit portal from within their MyHein account or from anywhere in HeinOnline.

image of MyHein drop-down menu in HeinOnline

Either method will direct the author to their own Author Profile Admin portal. See an example of the portal below.

image of edit portal in MyHein for authors

As shown in the example above, authors can add their photos and edit their names, birth years, and job titles. Authors may also add links to their online profiles and personal biographies (Note: HTML code is optional).

Once added, the information input by each author will be displayed on their author profile in HeinOnline.

Author Profile Admins

University and college librarians may request to become administrators so that they can edit their school’s faculty author profiles. Librarians may request to have their email address authorized as an admin.

Author Admin Request


Once authorized, librarians must sign into their MyHein account created under the same email address to access the edit portal. Librarians may find the edit portal within their MyHein account or from anywhere in HeinOnline. Authorized librarians will see all faculty members who have a HeinOnline author profile page listed, with options to edit or view each author’s profile. Additionally, they have the option to download a CSV of all author data and metrics for their institution.

image of admin author portal for MyHein

To begin editing, select Edit Profile next to one of the author’s names. 

image of author portal for an admin

As shown in the example above, librarians can add an author’s photo and edit his/her name, birth year, and job title. Librarians may also add links to the author’s online profiles as well as insert the author’s personal biography (Note: HTML code is optional).

NOTEAffiliation changes cannot be made through the author admin portal. Please email with any affiliation changes.