For help navigating HeinOnline, visit our Knowledge Base which contains hundreds of articles, training guides, and videos. The articles linked below are all related to the Serial Set.
Knowledge Base Articles about the Serial Set
How to Research the Career of a Senator
The ability to thoroughly investigate and analyze the activity of Congress and its members is crucial for historical research projects, understanding current events, and these days, especially, for becoming a more informed voter during election time. Learn how to research the activity of a member of Congress, and particularly, a U.S. Senator using databases like the U.S. Congressional Serial Set.
How to Use the Serial Set Lookup Tools
HeinOnline contains the U.S. Congressional Serial Set, a must-have publication for anyone studying American history. This indispensable resource includes two centuries worth of documents from both the House of Representatives and the Senate. To make this content more discoverable, we have created lookup tools found directly on the U.S. Congressional Serial Set homepage. Watch this short tutorial to learn more.
How to Locate a House or Senate Report
Committee reports are considered to be one of the most important documents of legislative history research. HeinOnline contains two collections that include House and Senate Reports. In this short tutorial, we explore the various ways users can search for committee reports across HeinOnline.
Researching the U.S. Congressional Serial Set (HeinOnline Academic Webinar)
Learn how users can discover the wealth of American history held within HeinOnline with a few simple clicks! Join HeinOnline experts Steve Roses and Tim Hooge as they dive into the treasure trove that is the U.S. Congressional Serial Set.