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Subject Compilations of State Laws

An award-winning resource that identifies and describes fifty-state law surveys on thousands of subjects in hundreds of sources.

Database Features

Detailed Article Linking in HeinOnline

The Subject Compilations of State Laws database includes citations to thousands of law reviews and other journal articles. Entries link to titles, exact pages on which surveys appear, and journal publishers’ websites.

Subject Compilations of State Laws Article Linking

Links to Other Previous Database Entries

Some entries also contain links to previous entries within the Subject Compilations of State Laws database. This is helpful when researching how laws have changed. For instance, entry number 121375 has links to two earlier years referencing the same survey.

Showing previous entries in Subject Compilations of State Laws

OCLC Linking

OCLC numbers link directly to WorldCat records when the OCLC number is available in the record. For example, search the entry number field for 17047. Click the OCLC number from the record to view the title’s WorldCat entry and to find a nearby library that has the title available.

screenshot of entry number search result with OCLC number highlighted

WorldCat entry for entry number search for 17047 in SCSL

Open URL Linking

Branding offers the option of linking to your library’s catalog for articles that are not available or embargoed in HeinOnline by enabling ISSN and/or OpenURL link resolvers. If the full text of an article is not yet available, this linking helps users determine if material is available elsewhere in their library.

For example, using Yale University's branding as an illustration, their library logo and a corresponding link are displayed in the right corner.

screenshot of SCSL with Yale Law Library branding

Yale's Law Library link takes users to a page with custom links to the law library catalog and the general library catalog.

If the full text of an article is not yet available, this linking helps users determine if material is available elsewhere in their library. For example, "Future-Proofing Law" is currently unavailable in HeinOnline. However, the Yale icon displayed gives users the ability to find a physical copy in their library.
Subject Compilations of State LawsTo take advantage of this service, fill out this form.

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