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Current Index to Legal Periodicals (CILP)

A weekly subject-categorized index to the most recent issues of nearly 650 legal publications.

Using the SmartCILP Feature

About the SmartCILP Feature

SmartCILP is an essential current awareness tool for legal scholars, providing tailored alerts delivered via email as a personalized supplement to the weekly CILP issue. After setting up a SmartCILP profile, individuals will begin to receive a weekly notification that lists the most recent material available within their chosen subjects or journals. All SmartCILP notifications include direct full-text linking to HeinOnline's Law Journal Library.

See an example of a weekly SmartCILP notification tailored to "Administrative Law" and "Animal Law" below. 





























NOTE: While the editors for Current Index to Legal Periodicals (CILP) are indexing hundreds of journals, there is a delay for some content. During the several months during negotiation for the purchase of CILP by William S. Hein & Co., the editors did not index or publish any issues, putting them behind on many journals in 2019-2020. Their priority is to index the Top 350 law journals and try to keep them as current as possible, and for the remaining journals, they are tracking the last time each journal is indexed and keep them in the rotation based on their last-indexed date. So while there is sometimes a regrettable lag in indexing, the articles will eventually be indexed.

Creating and Editing a SmartCILP Profile

With Hein's acquisition of Current Index to Legal Periodicals, subscribing institutions and organizations are provided with the ability to create unlimited SmartCILP profiles.* Users can create a SmartCILP profile from the Current Index to Legal Periodicals database landing page. Follow the button below for a step-by-step guide.


Creating a SmartCILP Profile


When creating a profile, users will be directed to a form where they can manage what they will receive in the weekly SmartCILP notification. After entering their name, they may select as many TopicsSubjects, or Journals as desired. To learn more about these topics and subjects, visit the next tab.























SmartCILP profiles can be changed at any time, allowing subscribers to tailor the delivery of CILP notifications to their changing research needs.

Users may manage and edit their own SmartCILP profiles​ through MyHein. Particular individuals may also become authorized to manage the SmartCILP profiles of the faculty or staff at their subscribing institution. Access our step-by-step guides to both scenarios below. 


Managing Your Own SmartCILP Profile        Managing Profiles for Your Faculty/Staff


SmartCILP Topics and Subjects

When creating a SmartCILP profile, users will find that they have the option to select Topic Headings and/or Subject Headings (in addition to specific Journal Titles).

All CILP content has been categorized into 104 subjects. Many of those subjects, in turn, have been organized under fifteen topics (or groups) that allow users to subscribe to multiple subjects and subject-specific journals at once. See a breakdown of the Topic Headings and their respective subjects below. View a full list of CILP subjects here

Banking and Finance Group Criminal Law and Procedure Group Health Care Group
  • Banking and Finance
  • Commercial Law
  • Contracts
  • Economics
  • Estates and Trusts
  • Secured Transactions
  • Securities Law
  • Criminal Law and Procedure
  • Evidence
  • Law Enforcement
  • Sentencing and Punishment
  • Sex Crimes
  • Terrorism
  • Disability Law
  • Elder Law 
  • Food and Drug Law
  • Health Law and Policy
  • Medical Jurisprudence
  • Psychology and Psychiatry
  • Reproduction
Bankruptcy Group Environmental Law Group International and Comparative Law Group
  • Bankruptcy Law
  • Consumer Protection Law
  • Agriculture Law 
  • Disaster Law
  • Energy and Utilities Law
  • Environmental Law
  • Land Use
  • Natural Resources Law
  • Water Law
  • Admiralty
  • Civil Law
  • Human Rights Law
  • International Law
  • International Trade
  • Law of the Sea
  • Nonprofit Organizations
  • Taxation—Transnational
Civil Practice and Procedure Group Estate Planning and Probate Group Labor and Employment Group
  • Conflict of Laws
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Evidence
  • Jurisdiction
  • Practice and Procedure
  • Remedies
  • Elder Law
  • Estates and Trusts
  • Property—Personal and Real
  • Retirement Security
  • Employment Practice
  • Labor Law
  • Retirement Security
  • Workers' Compensation Law
Civil Rights Group Family Law Group Taxation Group
  • Civil Rights, Generally
  • Disability Law
  • Elder Law
  • Fourteenth Amendment
  • Gender 
  • Religion
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Domestic Relations
  • Elder Law
  • Juveniles
  • Reproduction
  • Tax Policy
  • Taxation—Federal
  • Taxation—Federal Estate and Gift
  • Taxation—State and Local
  • Taxation—Transnational
Corporate and Securities Group Government and Politics Group  Technology Group
  • Business Organizations
  • Securities Law
  • Administrative Law
  • Courts
  • Elections and Voting
  • Government Contracts
  • Judges
  • Legislation
  • Politics
  • President/Executive Department
  • State & Local Government
  • Supreme Court of the United States
  • Tax Policy
  • Air and Space Law
  • Communications Law
  • Information Privacy
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Science and Technology
  • Trade Regulation