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U.S. Presidential Library

This database includes messages and papers of the presidents, public papers of the presidents, documents relating to impeachment, and a host of other works relating to the U.S. presidency.

Search Tips and Tricks

Full-Text Searching

Enter a query into the One-Box search bar of the database using HeinOnline's standard search syntax and select the Just search for drop down option.

See an example search, nixon AND resign, below. 

After a search query has been entered, a comprehensive list of results will appear, which can be sorted by relevance, volume date, or document title. 

screenshot of search results for U.S. Presidential Library

Building an Advanced Search Query

Select the Advanced Search link located beneath the main search bar to search particular fields within the metadata (indexing) for more precise results. Search by text, title, creator/author, description, or date. Further refine a search by searching only within certain subcollections. Users may also select a title by citation or define a date range. 

Venn Diagram Search

With the beta release of a Venn Diagram Search, users can visualize the results yield of various keywords to better refine their searches. To use the Venn Diagram feature in the U.S. Presidential Library, select the Advanced Search hyperlink to find the Venn Diagram option within.

Users will be redirected to a search bar, instructions for its use, and example searches. Enter a search for multiple terms separated with the Boolean operators "AND." A Venn diagram will appear, illustrating the various combinations of those terms and their respective results yield throughout the databaseThe original search combining all terms will appear by default, visually represented by the red intersection of all circles. 

View the results of other combinations by selecting the Clear button above the diagram to be able to hover over the various options. Users will see all possible search term combinations highlighted as the cursor hovers over them. Click one of these highlighted circles or intersections to bring up the results of the various combinations or the results of one term. 


Refining Results

After entering a search query through any of the aforementioned methods, users will be directed to a results page with facets on the left-hand side. These facets allow users to limit their results by DateDocument Type, Section Type, Title, and Person

Tip: Begin a search using more general terms and utilize facets for more precise results. 

screenshot of Refine Your Search options in U.S. Presidential Library

screenshot of Refine Your Search Options opened in U.S. Presidential Library