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Taxation & Economic Reform in America: Parts I & II

This historical archive contains thousands of volumes and millions of pages of legislative history related to taxation, economic reform, and stimulus plans.

Additional Resources

Economic Indicators

Maintained by the US Census Bureau, this page provides statistical data on different measures used to rate the health of the US economy, including homeownership rates, new residential construction, retail trade, and wholesale inventories. Data presented is both current and historical, including trend charts for historical data, and pdf and excel downloads for current releases. 

Federal Tax Law: A Beginner's Guide (Library of Congress)

This guide, authored by the Law Library of Congress, provides an overview of the resources available covering U.S. tax law and taxation.


FRASER is a digital library of U.S. economic, financial, and banking history—particularly the history of the Federal Reserve System. It began as a data preservation and accessibility project of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis in 2004 and now provides access to data and policy documents from the Federal Reserve System and many other institutions.


Another service of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, FRED provides economic data in customizable graphs. Its sister database, ALFRED, allows users to retrieve vintage versions of economic data that were available on specific dates in history. Utilize GeoFRED to create, customize, and share geographical maps of data found in FRED.

Tax Research (Federal)

This guide from Georgetown Law Library explains where and how to find materials related to federal taxes with a focus on U.S. transactions and law.