In addition to the various features that use ScholarCheck throughout HeinOnline, we've created an overall ranking based on the calculation of five ScholarCheck metrics. We call this ranking ScholarRank.
On a HeinOnline author's profile page, see ScholarCheck metrics displayed prominently above the author's works, showcasing their scholarly impact and providing the overall ScholarRank that has been calculated accordingly.
Metrics counted in ScholarRank:
Other metrics displayed (but not counted in the overall ScholarRank):
See author Bonnie Shucha's profile page as an example below.
See a listing of ScholarRank's Top 250 authors in HeinOnline here.
Within the Law Journal Library, use ScholarRank to browse. Select the "Most-Cited" browse-by option to view:
ScholarRank is determined by the calculation of five HeinOnline ScholarCheck metrics.
First, the raw data is gathered for each of the five metrics. These metrics are:
This raw data is then displayed on the author profile. See the example below:
Next, the Z-score is calculated for each of the five metrics. The five Z-scores are averaged, and the final average is entered into standard competition ranking. The author's standing within this ranking produces the author's final ScholarRank. In the example below, the raw data displayed from the screenshot above was calculated as described to produce a final rank of "8."
The ScholarRank of "8" shown above was thus calculated in the following manner*:
Z-Score Calculation (to calculate the Z-scores of each metric): Zx = (x-µ)/σ
Average Z-Score (determined by averaging the five Z-scores): Zµ = (Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + Z4 + Z5)/5
Final ScholarRank (determined by ranking each author’s Average Z-scores): Zµ, ranked by standard competition
*Standard deviations and averages fluctuate daily; as such, the final results are subject to change.