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A leading next-generation legal research service that features powerful “best-case-first” tools that make research faster than ever.

Using Fastcase Basic

Fastcase Basic: Features

For in-depth instructions on utilizing the Fastcase Basic features, navigate through the tabs on this page. 

Case Law Linking

Fastcase Basic offers the ability to click links and be quickly directed to the case or article referenced by the link.

Citation Look-Up

Cases can be accessed by entering the proper Bluebook citation into the citation box available from the Case Law tab (found on the HeinOnline welcome page and from inside any HeinOnline library). The Case Law tab also displays the Fastcase Lookup feature, a more advanced method for finding cases by citation. 

​Negative Treatment Indicator

Fastcase offers an authority check feature that indicates when a case has been treated negatively (reversed or overruled on any grounds). 

Basic ScholarCheck Integration

HeinOnline's ScholarCheck feature works with Fastcase cases to determine how many articles in HeinOnline cite that particular case. 

Downloading and Printing PDFs

From any Fastcase document, simply click "PDF/Download" to quickly obtain a printable document.

Inline Hyperlinks from HeinOnline to Case Law

Case citations referenced in the text of any article, case, or other document in HeinOnline will link to the case in Fastcase. Links will be highlighted in blue.















Clicking on the link will pull in the full text of the cited case. Cases and articles included in the HeinOnline database will link to HeinOnline PDF images. Cases available via Fastcase will display HTML text (seen below).


Citation Look-Up

Cases can also be accessed by entering the proper Bluebook citation into the search bar and selecting Citation from the drop-down.

From the Main Search Bar: 

From the HeinOnline welcome page or inside any HeinOnline database, simply type or copy and paste the proper case citation into the search bar and click the Citation option. Users will be directed to the full text of the case. 

From the Advanced Search Fastcase Lookup:

From the Advanced Search screen, scroll down to Citation Navigator and find Fastcase Case Lookup. Enter the case citation in the first box and select "Get Citation." Alternatively, enter the volume and page numbers and use the citation drop-down box to choose the Bluebook abbreviation. 

Negative Treatment Indicators

Fastcase offers an authority check feature that indicates when a case has been treated negatively (reversed or overruled on any grounds). A red flag will display at the top of the page to indicate any such case.


Basic ScholarCheck Integration

HeinOnline's ScholarCheck feature works with Fastcase cases to determine how many articles in HeinOnline cite that particular case. Note: With a Fastcase Premium subscription, ScholarCheck also indicates and links to cases that cite the current case.


Simply click the "Cited by Articles" link to view the articles in HeinOnline that cite that particular case.