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All About Fastcase Content in HeinOnline
To create an authoritative case law database, HeinOnline has partnered with Fastcase, a leading next-generation legal research service that features powerful “best-case-first” tools that make case law research faster than ever. This partnership offers HeinOnline subscribers access to a wide array of case law and enables users to access the full text of cases through their HeinOnline subscription without the hassle of using multiple research databases.
Researching Case Law (HeinOnline Academic Webinar)
Join Tim and Steve as they showcase the simplicity of locating landmark Supreme Court cases in HeinOnline’s U.S. Supreme Court Library, or dive into other federal or state cases utilizing HeinOnline’s direct integration with Fastcase. They’ll also demonstrate how to examine a particular case’s citation analysis, view similar cases, or seamlessly jump to academic articles that cite the case—all critical tools for taking your research to the next level!
How to Cite Check with HeinOnline
Imagine you’re a second-year law student and you’ve been assigned with the task to cite check a soon-to-be published article. This task can seem daunting to a student, but with HeinOnline it’s actually pretty simple! Watch this short tutorial to learn more.
For more information about case law and how to use it in your research, check out this guide from the Library of Congress.