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Women and the Law

Women and the Law (Peggy) is a collection that brings together books, biographies, and periodicals to provide a convenient platform for users to research the progression of women's roles and rights in society over the past 200 years.


Searching Scholarly Articles

For each subcollection, users can browse the titles listed alphabetically and in some cases use the A-Z index listed at the top of the page. The Scholarly Articles subcollection provides more extensive searching tools. From this tab, users can sort articles by title, author, most-cited, year (newest first), and year (oldest first).

Search by Title or Author

Also available is the ability to search by title or author. For example, if you are looking for the article Sex Equality and the Constitution by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, simply enter her name into the search bar provided and choose Author from the drop-down menu. Results include all articles written by Ruth Bader Ginsburg, including the article being sought.


Advanced Search

Use the Advanced Search option to search by Text, Title, and/or Description. Users can also search by a specific document type, search across a title, and/or enter a date range.


For example, search for the phrase "Susan B. Anthony" and "equal rights"  using the Advanced Search option. Then, choose the Document Type Women & Society to narrow down results. See the example below.

From the results page, users can refine their search further with the facets on the left, or Sort by Volume Date (Oldest First), Volume Date (Newest First), or Document Title.

screenshot of search results in Women and the Law database, highlighting Refine Your Search and Sort By options

About Venn Diagram Search

HeinOnline's Venn Diagram Search offers a visual representation of how search terms interact with each other to help users both refine their current search terms and become better researchers going forward. 

Searches are constructed by stringing together multiple terms separated by the Boolean operator AND, with phrases grouped together in quotation marks. For example, let's search for abortion AND heartbeat AND "right to life"Our search will bring up results in the diagram.

The results displayed on the right side of the page pertain to the search as originally constructed (represented by the red slice in the center of the intersecting circles). If we're interested in the results in the other circles, select Clear for the ability to hover over the different segments of the diagram. Once Clear is clicked, the results will vanish from the right side of the page. Now as users hover over the diagram they will see all possible search term combinations from our original query. Click one of these highlighted circles or intersections to explore their results. For example, click "right to life" to see results for only that phase.

Similar to other search results in HeinOnline, you can sort the results for relevance, date, or title. Icons to the right of the results allow you to download a PDF of the section, print, email a PDF link to a friend/colleague, or bookmark the item in your MyHein account.