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U.S. Federal Legislative History Library

This rich collection includes comprehensive federal legislative histories published by the U.S. GPO and private publishers, as well as a unique finding aid based on Nancy Johnson’s award-winning work, Sources of Compiled Legislative Histories.

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Knowledge Base Articles for the U.S. Federal Legislative History


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Training Videos

Maximizing the U.S. Federal Legislative History Library

This 20-minute customer training session will show users how to:

  • Locate a federal legislative history by title, public law number, and popular name
  • Easily locate government documents such as House or Senate reports
  • Discover related material using the Sources of Compiled Legislative Histories


How to Locate a House or Senate Report

Committee reports are considered to be one of the most important documents of legislative history research. HeinOnline contains two collections that include House and Senate Reports. In this short tutorial, we explore the various ways users can search for committee reports across HeinOnline.