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Philippine Law Collection

Access more than 480 titles covering more than 200 subjects including Civil Rights, Criminal Law, Trade Regulations, and more specific to Philippine Law.

Documents and Contents

Contents in the Philippine Law Collection include coverage of more than 200 subject areas including:

  • Civil Rights
  • Criminal Law and Procedure
  • Economic Reform
  • Foreign Policy
  • Insurance
  • Military Law
  • Trade Regulations
  • And more!

Featured titles within this collection include: Cover for Philippine Journal of Public Administration

  • Philippine Law Journal, Vols. 1-94 (1941-)
    • The Philippine Law Journal was organized in 1914 by the first dean of the UP College of Law and at that time it was the only English legal publication in the Pacific. It is a student-run publication devoted to the promotion of legal research and the advancement of legal knowledge.
  • Reports of Cases – 135v. Manila: Government Printing Office, 1901-1968
  • Philippine Journal of Public Administration, Vols. 1-65 (1957-)
    • Philippine Journal of Public Administration contains articles on all aspects of public administration and governance, with authors mainly from the Philippines and some coming from other countries, from different institutions.
  • National Administrative Register, Vols. 1-30#2 (1990-)
  • Philippine Yearbook of International Law, Vols. 1-19 (1966-1989, 2017-)
    • The Philippine Yearbook of International Law is an annual publication that features developments in international law relevant to the Philippines. This compendium on international law features Supreme Court decisions, DOJ opinions, treaties, and the works of some of the country’s luminaries in the field of international law.