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Philippine Law Collection

Access more than 480 titles covering more than 200 subjects including Civil Rights, Criminal Law, Trade Regulations, and more specific to Philippine Law.

Additional Resources

The Philippine Legal Codes

Philippine Legal Codes adopted from 1901 to present, published by the Official Gazette.

Philippines | Library of Congress

Links to the Philippine constitution, executive, judicial, legislative documents, legal guides, and general sources.

Republic of the Philippines | Philippine Commission on Women

The Philippine Commission on Women (PCW), formerly known as the National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW), has its story linked to the history of Philippine feminism, women’s movements, and gender mainstreaming.

The Commission is the primary policymaking and coordinating body on women and gender equality concerns. It continues to build upon the past efforts and achievements in advancing the status of women. It acts as a catalyst for gender mainstreaming, the authority on women’s concerns, and advocates for women’s empowerment, gender equity, and gender equality.