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History of International Law

Thousands of titles relating to the history of international law, with specialization in subjects such as war and peace, law of the sea, international arbitration, The Hague conferences, and more.

Browse Options

Browse By Options

When you enter the History of International Law database from the HeinOnline Welcome page, you'll automatically be brought to the All Titles tab, where you'll find several "Browse by" options toward the top of the page.

These options allow you to search by:

screenshot highlighting Browse by Options in History of International Law database


Browse by Title

When you select the Title browse option, you'll find that all volumes are listed alphabetically. Select the first letter of the title you are looking for, then scroll or use your computer's Ctrl/Command + f function to locate your desired title.

screenshot of Browse by Title

Browse by Author

When you select the Author browse option, you'll find an A-Z index, where each title is listed by an alphabetical ordering of its author. Select the first letter of the desired author's last name, and either scroll or use your computer's Ctrl/Command + f function to locate your desired author.

screenshot of Browse by Author

Browse by Date

When you select the Date browse option, you'll find a list of date ranges in chronological order, starting with pre-1700. Select the date range pertinent to your research.

screenshot of Browse by Date


Browse by Subject

When you select the Subject browse option, you'll find an A-Z index, where each subject is listed in alphabetical order. You can choose to then browse by Count, which will list the subjects within the A-Z index in order of most to least titles associated with it, or by Name, which lists the subject names in alphabetical order.

screenshot of Browse by Subject, Count option


screenshot of Browse by Subject, Name option