This archive brings together thousands of casebooks from West, one of the most prominent legal publishers in the United States. Divided into four series, these casebooks form the backbone of U.S. legal instruction.
This archive of casebooks published by West Academic covers all out-of-print and superseded casebooks in the American Casebook Series, University Casebook Series, Hornbook Series, and Nutshell Series, except for the two most recent editions of any title.
West Academic has been a leading legal education publisher for more than 100 years. It first launched its lauded American Casebook Series in 1908.
form the backbone of legal instruction in the U.S.
the "case method" was first introduced at Harvard Law School in 1871
the case method is designed to teach students how to think like a lawyer
do not summarize the law; they present a selection of cases and students try to determine the rule of law that was applied by the court