Legislative Histories
Browse through various related legislative histories by their publication title, public law number, or popular name.
CRS & GAO Reports
Use the A-Z index to browse through more than 1,000 government reports from the Congressional Research Service and the Government Accountability Office regarding international trade.
Use the A-Z index provided to browse though more than 1,000 hearings on international trade.
Scholarly Articles
Browse scholarly articles on the topic of international trade by article title, author, date, or most-cited.
USITC Publications
This subcollection includes more than 5,000 publications from the United States International Trade Commission, an independent, quasi-judicial federal agency with broad investigative responsibilities on matters of trade. Browse USITC Publications by publication number, category, or document type.
CFR & U.S. Code Title 15 & 19
This library includes access to Title 15: Commerce and Foreign Trade and Title 19: Customs Duties of both the Code of Federal Regulations and U.S. Code, available from inception to date.