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U.S. International Trade Library

This database brings together current and historical content of U.S. international trade including USITC Publications Archive, legislative histories, CFR & U.S. Code Title 15 and Title 19, notable publications, scholarly articles, and much more!


Legislative Histories

Browse through various related legislative histories by their publication title, public law number, or popular name.

CRS & GAO Reports

Use the A-Z index to browse through more than 1,000 government reports from the Congressional Research Service and the Government Accountability Office regarding international trade.


Use the A-Z index provided to browse though more than 1,000 hearings on international trade.

Scholarly Articles

Browse scholarly articles on the topic of international trade by article title, author, date, or most-cited.

USITC Publications

This subcollection includes more than 5,000 publications from the United States International Trade Commission, an independent, quasi-judicial federal agency with broad investigative responsibilities on matters of trade. Browse USITC Publications by publication number, category, or document type.

CFR & U.S. Code Title 15 & 19

This library includes access to Title 15: Commerce and Foreign Trade and Title 19: Customs Duties of both the Code of Federal Regulations and U.S. Code, available from inception to date.