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U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions, and Appeals

This database features reports, decisions, and records, this database is a complete collection of the official case law of the most important U.S. federal agencies.


U.S Federal Agency Documents, Decisions, and Appeals

The U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions, and Appeals database is a complete collection of the official case law of some of the most important government institutions in the United States. This case law, also known as decision law, is the body of reported judicial opinions that are published by each agency and thereby become precedent and the basis for future decisions.

Featuring 6,300 reports, decisions, and records, this database contains the ability to easily browse its documents either by author, title, date, or subject, or via a comprehensive A-Z listing of covered federal agencies. Nearly 1,800 of the entries in this database link to full-text reproductions of the report, including those from the most well-known commissions.

Notable titles in this database include best-selling publications from the U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO), such as:


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image of Global Trends 2040 document in U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions, and Appeals database