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A suite of browse and search tools for multidisciplinary, subject-specific research.

Searching with PathFinder

PathFinder in Advanced Search

Head to the Law Journal Library's Advanced Search page to find the PathFinder Subject Lookup tool.


Begin typing a subject or keyword into the tool. If the entry exists as a subject in PathFinder, it will populate in the drop-down box that appears. Note that it is possible to enter multiple subjects.










When entering multiple subjects, users can choose whether to search using an AND or an OR Boolean operator by selecting the drop-down next to the text box. Choose OR to search for results that have any of the subjects assigned to them. Choose AND to search for results that have all of the subjects assigned to them.

PathFinder in Search Results

Users will see that once they’ve performed a search, PathFinder is visible in multiple places within the search results:

  1. Filter your search by PathFinder Subject
  2. See what PathFinder Subjects have been assigned to each article at a glance.

PathFinder on a Document

Users can also see exactly where a specific document falls within the PathFinder hierarchy. Each document in PathFinder displays the document's subject assignments at each level, and contains an area for user feedback (if PathFinder's subject assignment is in need of adjustment, for example). 























Find this information in two places: 

On a Search Result Entry


In the Page Viewer