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Military and Government

With 17,000+ titles and nearly 3 million pages, this collection brings together thousands of diverse publications related to the history, glory, might, and daily nitty-gritty of administrating America's fighting forces.

Documents and Content

Offering more than 17,000 titles to choose from, content in this database is grouped by publication type into the following subcollections: Books; CFR Titles 6, 32 & 38; Committee Prints; CRS Reports; GAO Reports; Hearings; Legislative Histories; Serials & Periodicals; US Code Titles 6-50 Misc., with a selection of Scholarly Articles.

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Not sure where to start? Select All Titles to see every title contained in this collection. Need even more help narrowing down a starting point? Every title in this collection has been subject coded by HeinOnline editors into an area of focus, so pick a topic you're interested in to see the associated titles. Or browse by Title, Author, or Date. Use the A-Z index within any subcollection to easily jump around.

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HeinOnline editors have created 30 new subjects to help users discover the content most relevant to their research. Every title in this collection has been analyzed by HeinOnline editors and assigned one or more subjects based on its subject matter and military branch (titles dealing with the military generally, the Department of Defense, or Homeland Security have not been assigned a branch). Explore the new subjects and their scope below:

Air Force

Find documents written about or by the U.S. Air Force, such as:

Alliances and Coalitions

Understand military alliances and international coalitions such as defense pacts, non-aggression pacts, ententes, and more, as well as their responses to crises. Available titles include:

Armed Conflict

Discover publications about specific wars in U.S. military history or other such armed engagements by the U.S. Armed Forces. Forward march to the front with:


Find documents written about or by the U.S. Army, Army Reserve, and National Guard, including:

Branch Roles and Missions

Discover the important roles the armed forces play off the battlefield, such as search and rescue missions, disaster response, and environmental protection.

Coast Guard

Find documents written about or by the U.S. Coast Guard. Set sail with:

Compensation in the Military

Works under this category address military pay and benefits, veteran-related benefits and military pensions, war claims against the government, uniform allowances, and more.


Learn about Department of Defense cyber strategy, cyberspace as battlespace, U.S. Cyber Command, digital attacks on other nations, and related military cyber operations with publications such as:

Defense Accounting and Acquisitions

Find publications that review military spending and the methods and end results of using appropriated monies.

Defense Appropriations and Authorizations

Explore documents that discuss appropriations and authorization legislation responsible for appropriating monies and authorizing the activities of various agencies.

Diversity in the Military

Works under this category address diversity and inclusion initiatives, including desegregation, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," and transgender service members.

Draft and Selective Service

Research the Selective Service System and military conscription (i.e. the draft) with titles such as:

Ethics and Law of War

Works under this category discuss wartime ethics and law, addressing issues such as rules of engagement, war crimes, terms of occupation, prisoners of war, and more. 

Marine Corps

Find documents written about or by the U.S. Marine Corps, such as:

Military Command and Organization

Learn about the military chain of command, the organization and functioning of top management personnel, and items exploring the effectiveness of civilian control of the armed forces.

Military Contracting

Uncover publications that discuss private military contractors, contracting issues, or the “Circuit” in general.

Military Health and Wellness Issues

Discover works that address military medical concerns, health care programs, mental health, and more. 

Military Installations

Find content relating to the establishment and maintenance of military bases, camps, and other facilities under Department of Defense jurisdiction.

Military Justice

Learn about disciplinary and legal proceedings within the military through JAG publications, court martial handbooks and proceedings, and other related materials.

Military Procedure and Regulations

Locate documents relating to military administration, including branch-specific regulations for enlisted men and women, Selective Service requirements, and day-to-day rules of conduct.

Military Recruitment and Training

Find titles that discuss activities relating to attracting and selecting people for military training and employment, as well as retaining those employees.

Military Workforce and Personnel

Discover publications relating to the military as a workforce, addressing concerns such as discrimination, harassment, retaliation, policy violation, and other personnel issues.

National Security

Discover titles relating to the security and defense of the United States.


Find titles written by and about the U.S. Navy.

Sexual Assault

Learn about instances of unwanted sexual behavior in the military and the resulting investigative and disciplinary process. 

Space Force

Find titles written by and about the U.S. Space Force.

Terrorism and Insurgency

Works under this category address military and government activities related to terrorism, revolts, uprisings, and other forms of political violence.

Veterans' Issues

Find titles relating to veterans' concerns and the Department of Veterans Affairs, including issues such as access to health care, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), acclimation to civilian life, homelessness, and more.

Weaponry, Technology, and Equipment

Learn about specific armaments and weapons used by the armed forces (e.g.: Lockheed Martin F22 Raptor, M110A1 CSASS rifle), general military armaments (e.g.: ships, radar, drones, night-vision goggles, stealth planes), and equipment-related discussions (e.g.: national stockpiles). 

Women in the Military

Understand the changing role of women in the military and related issues, including women in combat and women in the draft.

Booksmore than 1,000 titles

Browse hundreds of books ranging in date from the 1700s to present day. Find accounts of the American Civil War, profiles of generals, historical court martial trials, manuals and memorandums, and more.

Some titles you may want to check out include:


CFR and U.S. Code

The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and the U.S. Code represent the current statutory positions of the federal government. Published annually, the CFR is divided into 50 titles (aka topics, subjects, etc.) that are the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the federal government. The U.S. Code, divided into 53 titles, is the official compilation and codification of the general and permanent federal statutes of the United States. Main editions of the U.S. Code are published every six years, with supplements published annually. Unlike the CFR, the U.S. Code does not include regulations issued by executive branch agencies.

Between the CFR and U.S. Code, there are a multitude of titles dedicated to matters concerning the military, national security, and veterans. Extracted within this database are the following relevant titles:

U.S. Code

*Title 34 Navy was repealed generally by act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 1, which revised and codified the statutory provisions that related to the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, and enacted those provisions into law as Title 10. Today, Title 34 is Crime Control and Law Enforcement. For historical Title 34 related to the Navy, see the 1925-1952 editions.

Committee Prints and Congressional Hearingsmore than 6,000 documents

The deliberations of Congress provide insight both into issues requiring federal attention and their proposed solutions. Committee prints provide "background" information on the topics handled by different congressional committees. Information included in these prints include legislative or research activities, as well as other matters such as memorial tributes. They are an excellent resource for statistical and historical information, and for legislative analysis.

A hearing is a meeting or session of a Senate, House, joint, or special committee of Congress to obtain information and opinions on proposed legislation, conduct an investigation, or evaluate/oversee the activities of a government department or the implementation of a federal law. In addition, hearings may also be purely exploratory in nature, providing testimony and data about topics of current interest. Most hearings are published two months to two years after they are held. This material provides a transcript of the proceedings for the general public.

Some Committee Prints of Note:
Some Congressional Hearings of Note:


CRS and GAO Reports — more than 8,000 reports

Find thousands of reports on a diverse range of topics, including weaponry, naval ships, troop levels, courts martial, the military's civilian workforce and more, authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) and Government Accounting Office (GAO).

What are these agencies?

  • The Congressional Research Service is a public policy research institute of the U.S. Congress
    • Its job is to help Congress form sound policies based on analysis and research
    • Access CRS Reports on topics other than the military by navigating to HeinOnline’s U.S. Congressional Documents database and selecting the CRS Reports subcollection
  • The General Accounting Office is a legislative branch agency
    • It provides auditing, evaluation, and investigative services for the U.S. Congress
    • Staff produce reports and written correspondence, testimonies and statements for the record, briefings for congressional staff members, and more
    • Access GAO Reports on topics other than the military through HeinOnline's dedicated GAO Reports and Comptroller General Decisions database
Some reports of note:

Legislative histories present the journey of a bill as it becomes a law, with all its changes, additions, deletions and various legislative hurdles. This collection contains more than 100 histories on legislation relating to the military, allowing users to browse content by its title, public law number, or popular name.

Some legislative histories of note:

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Serials & Periodicals — more than 20 titles

Browse serials and periodicals dedicated to military matters, including:


Scholarly Articles — more than 500 articles

Access hundreds of articles* selected by HeinOnline editors on military justice, women in the military, private military contractors, sexual assault, and other issues confronting the military. Sort articles by Title, Author, Most-Cited, or Year, or search the list by Title or Author.

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*In order to access the scholarly article links, you must be subscribed to the appropriate HeinOnline collection(s).