The main search bar is stationary throughout HeinOnline. After entering the English Reports database, the Full Text search tab option on the search bar will search only within this database.
Search for articles pertaining to a topic or keyword using the main search bar. For example, enter the term barrator into the search bar and select Just search for.
Within the results, terms matching the search query appear in bold text within the matching text page snippets. Refine the results using the facets on the left side of the page. Available facets include date, document type, section type, title, and person. Sort search results by relevance, volume date, and more. Find cited-by information and access tools, such as an instant PDF download, on the right side of each search result. Use the icons next to the sort-by bar to modify your current search, to search within results, to toggle all matching text pages, or to turn OFF infinite scroll.
The Advanced Search link located beneath the main search bar functions much like the Advanced Search option in other databases, allowing users to search particular fields within the metadata for more precise results. Enter text, case name, nominative citation, or English Report citation into the text boxes provided. Refine the search to a specific document type.
For example, search for Innes v. Wylie by Case Name.
This search will produce one result. Click on the hyperlinked case citation to open the case.
The case locator tool functions just like the search bar in HeinOnline. If more than one word is entered, all terms are logically paired with the AND operator. This search function will query the Nominative Citation, Case Name (title), and the text.
For example, if you are unsure of the exact case name about the Saunders case, you can enter Saunders into the box, select Key Word Search, and click locate.
Remember if you are searching more than one word, you need to use quotations around the phrase.
The results return both the English Reports and Nominative Citations, as well as the cases where Saunders can be found. Search results can be sorted by relevance, volume date, document title, or number of times cited by articles. Using the facets on the left hand side, users are also able to narrow down results by date, document type, section type, title, or person.
The English Reports Full Reprint contains two index volumes that include an index of cases from A to K and L to Z. These indexes can be accessed from the main page by clicking on English Reports Full Reprint.
From here scroll to the bottom and click on the English Reports: Index of Cases.
The two index volumes are titled Index of Cases (A-K) and Index of Cases (L-Z).