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Edward Elgar Publishing Law Package

Comprehensive coverage of select legal journals from Edward Elgar, a leading international academic and professional publisher.


About the Edward Elgar Publishing Law Package

Edward Elgar Publishing is a leading international academic and professional publisher focusing strongly on the social sciences and legal fields. They publish 400 titles annually and have successfully created a prestigious list of more than 7,600 titles. Founded in 1986 by current Chairman Edward Elgar, the company remains a family business to this day. Elgar’s original vision was to create a publishing house that attracted high-quality books by offering superior service to authors, and they remain focused on treating potential authors and their books with care and attention to detail.

HeinOnline has made a special arrangement with Edward Elgar Publishing to offer comprehensive coverage of selected Elgar legal journals. 14 Elgar titles have been added to HeinOnline’s Law Journal Library with a three-year embargo at no additional charge, but current content may be purchased by subscribing to the Edward Elgar Publishing Law Package.


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