The search bar at the top of the collection homepage will search across the full text and metadata of all material in the CFR database and can be used to perform topical searches.
For example: Enter “certain dangerous cargo” AND “ammonium nitrate” and select Just Search For
TIP: Click the Search Help link for a list of commonly used search syntax and additional search examples!
Use the Advanced Search link, located beneath the search bar, to perform a more specific search using specialized fields tailored to the content of the CFR database.
Searchable fields include:
For example: Look for a specific part number or title name. Use the date range to search for material occurring only within a specified period of time.
NOTE: The CFR is indexed to the part level, but not down to the section level. To search for a specific section, enter the section number using the text search field.
Search results can be sorted by the following:
TIP: Sort search results by date to follow a CFR section through time
Use this tool to quickly retrieve specific titles, parts, and sections from within the CFR.
For example: Search for Title 33, Part 160, Section 204 (33 CFR 160.204) from 2015 and click Find Section button. Because the CFR is indexed to the title, and part, but not the section level, this query will produce search results in the specified year, title and part which contain the section number.
Alternatively, if users would like to go to the title only they may select Go To Title button. If users would like to go to the title and the part only, they may select the Go To Part button.
NOTE: In addition to being able to locate a specific title, part or section for a particular year this tool will display sections affected by the Federal Register. Once the year, title, part, and section information has been populated, Federal Register issues in which the specified citation has been affected will appear in a red box.* Click any link to access the Federal Register page range in which the citation was affected.
*This tool is available for the Federal Register from 2015 to date.
This tool functions like the Title/Part/Section Quick Locator. Using the same example of Title 33, Part 160, Section 204 (33 CFR 160.204) from 2015, use the provided boxes to enter the information and click Find Citation. Because the CFR is indexed to the title, and part, but not the section level, this query will produce search results in the specified year, title and part which contain the section number.
Both tools will produce the same result, which will feature the CFR year, title, and part information and the section will be boldfaced. Federal Register issues which affect the citation will also be available from search results.
The CFR Sections Affected Locator will retrieve Federal Register rules which have affected the CFR title and part selected.* Select the title from the drop-down menu and enter a part number, and then click Get CFR Sections Affected.
*This tool is available for the Federal Register from 2015 to date.
Click any rule’s link to access the Federal Register page ranges in which the rule occurs.